Friday, April 10, 2009

8 good things about friday

1. Is followed by Saturday and Sunday. Meaning that you feel less pressure and anxiety about waking up the next day as you know you will not have to tend to yet another poor excuse for a tender or proposal or report or brochure.

2. Is not always black, just sometimes, thus making it a novelty rather than a terror. On such occasions when it is black and in March, it is also my birthday, which is good.

3. Doubles as Payday at least every other week. Meaning that coffee comes from a cafe in a takeaway cup and a muffin from the bakery finds its way to my desk and down to my belly. Other fine purchases can also be made. And that is what life is all about.

4. Is the new Crime Night, with Medium as the headlining act. And we all get to wish that we had a child as cute as this:

5. Was once Super Rooster night, but now cannot be. Meaning that I am reminded I now live in Brisbane, because such a store does not exist here in these heavenly hills of tree-houses and corrugated roofs.

6. Does not demand anything. What with late night shopping, movies, books, bars, unspecified bedtime, it is the day of options and not of expectations.

7. Is historically the marker of accomplishment and celebration. At least in my life, so perhaps I should say herstorically. Examples include school, employment, university. Clearly, I have led a fabulous life.

8. Is time to dance. Although we should dance always.

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