Wednesday, June 24, 2009

12 faces of bridget napier (nee parker)

1. Curious. 2. Affronted.3. Pissed.
4. Caught. 5. Engrossed.
6. Devo. 7. Repentant. 8. Alive. Thank God. 9. Committed.
10. In love. 11. Fearful.12. Can you guess?


Harry said...

Man, I love this. Especially "devo".

emma said...

Haha Tegan my favourite yet! The best part, I actually saw a bit of it this week where she had her baby. I can't believe you found all those piccies, but definitely hit the nail on the head. Go you neighbours pro!

Jordan said...

Hi. I'm just surfing the net and I found this post. I love it! Particularly the last photo where we see the back of her head. I'm not really having a problem imagining what her expression is (ha) Jordan

Christopher Currie said...

Pure gold.

murray said...
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murray said...

12. Her "Cousin It" face from the Adam's Family??