Thursday, August 21, 2008

a child

The other day I was pumping up the hill to the bus, bored without my mp3 player and annoyed that I was late, when I came up behind a mother and her child who was pushing himself along on a scooter. Now, children are fabulous little creatures. I adore them. (That is, the ones who don’t stab fellow children with sticks or pee against trees as the wind blows and their classmates play on the equipment behind them.) This tracksuit-wearing, scooter-riding child positively made my day. And here’s why.

Child: Mum, can we go to the park after school?
Mother: No, not today, sweetie.
Child: But you said we could.
Mother: I know, but that was before I realised you’ve got swimming today.
Child: But I don’t want to go swimming.
Mother: Well, it’s today, you have to.
Child: But I don’t even like swimming. I’m not a fish.

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