Friday, March 13, 2009

1 reason i’m not writing a list today (featuring a list within a list)

1. I’m an adult now and I don’t have to because adults can do whatever they want and I don't want to write a list. I can say I am an adult because:
a) It’s my twenty-first birthday today.
b) I got a full-time job this week.
c) I’m wearing extremely dazzling shoes with a remarkable heel.
d) In less than two weeks I will have a degree. Printed. On parchment.


emma said...

haha couldn't be a more perfect list for today!

Lorelei V said...

Dear Tegan,

Happy birthday for way back when (BEHOLD CHILD, I SPEAK TO YOU FROM THE FUTURE) and congratulations on graduating (ALTHOUGH I'M NOT SURE WHAT YOU ARE GRADUATING FROM BUT I'M VERY PLEASED FOR YOU ANYWAY) and also congrats on your new job (IS IT REALLY WHAT YOU WANT THOUGH [that is your subconscious speaking. Or maybe it's mine. Not sure. Ignore it though.]) and thank you for your consistent darlingness and I'm very pleased to finally say hello.

Although I do have to wonder if we've maybe met in real life before - or does it just feel like that because I read your blog and I now know the names of your four Ipswichian children-to-be, which are, incidentally, the best things ever?

Best wishes,