Thursday, March 12, 2009

1 reason i love nina gibbs

1. Inflatable whale. Initially found lurking in my bed. Then put away and forgotten, only to be discovered months later – today – in the broom cupboard. Thanks Nina Gibbs. Whaley says hi.

Whaley starts the day like the rest of us with a shower.

Whaley goes shopping.

Whaley gets the munchies.

Whaley spots something yummy.

Whaley cooks up a storm.

Whaley finds a friend...

... Two friends.
It seems that whales get the girls.


Tegan said...

The formatting and fonts are out. I know that. I hate it. I want to cry. And so does Whaley.

emma said...

All looks good from here Tegan. Nice to meet you Whaley! You've found yourself another friend :)